Check and Connect

Check and Connect

A comprehensive intervention designed to enhance student’s engagement at school through relationship building, problem solving, capacity building and persistence. Find out more from the link below.

What is Check and Connect?

Lilyfield's Empower program has partnered with AmeriCorps and Oklahoma City Public Schools to provide Check & Connect services. A comprehensive intervention designed to enhance student’s engagement at school through relationship building, problem solving, capacity building and persistence. The goal is for the student to achieve school completion with academic and social competence.

Check & Connect pairs each student and their family with a mentor called a “Connector.” The Connector:

  • Meets with the student each week during school
  • Tracks the students attendance, behavior, course performance, and social/emotional skills
  • Collaborates with the student’s teacher, parent, school counselor, and other supportive adults
  • Communicates with the parent each week

What we are looking for in a Connector: 

  • Connectors are compassionate, persistent, committed, and willing to help.
  • Connectors believe that students, particularly those living in at-risk circumstances, have abilities and strengths and can learn. 

Expectations of a Connector:

  • Approximately 2 hours per week
  • Mentoring/tutoring sessions
  • One hour per week spent with student's family

For more information on AmeriCorps Opportunities click here

For more information about Check and Connect please email

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