Empower Parents OKC offers Mentoring and Support, Classes for Parents and Skills and Resources. Program Eligibility: Any parent with at least one child ages birth to 17 living in the home.
Prenatal and Early Childhood Program
Empower Parents OKC offers valuable parenting education and support for women who are pregnant or the parent of a child 0-2 years old.
Empower Parents OKC offers weekly Support groups for parents on Tuesday morning and Tuesday afternoon. We also offer a support group for Fathers on Wednesday evenings. Currently these groups are done in Spanish only.
We offer several classes throughout the year. These classes includes, Making Sense of your Worth, Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI), Circle of Security, Strengthening Families, Raising Highly Capable Kinds, and Teen Speak.
Classes are generally offered in both English and Spanish.
Parents can connect with a Parent Advocate who will mentor and support them. We provide coaching to help families address their needs both mental and physical. Support services are provided in English and Spanish.
For information about the Empower Parents Program and services we offer please email eprado@lilyfield.org
Lilyfield Edmond
501 E 15th Street, Suite 400A
Edmond, Ok 73013
Phone: 405-216-5240
Lilyfield South OKC
1841 Exchange Ave.
OKC, OK 73108
Phone: 405-602-8861
Lilyfield Tulsa
2625 N Peoria Ave
Tulsa, OK 74106
Phone: 918-346-6373
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