Our Mission

Lilyfield is focused on providing healthy families for at-risk children and youth. We serve families through a variety of services designed to ensure that children in our community have safe and healthy homes where they can be nurtured and grow to their full potential. We know that some families might need only a little bit of support while others need more intensive help and regardless of where families find themselves, we are here to help. 

Our 2Gen Approach

Lilyfield’s  two  generation  (2Gen)  approach  focuses  on  family  well-being  by working  with the  whole  family,  providing strategic  and  simultaneous  support  to children  and  their  caregivers.  Our  specific  service  areas  include mental health counseling,  parent  support  and  education,  mentoring, preschool programs,  after school programs, pregnancy support services, and foster care. 

Stories of Hope

Coach Sid
“Coach Sid” became involved with EmpowerTulsa because his daughter started attending Kids Club, an afterschool program we provide at
Comanche Housing Complex. He saw the considerable difference that Kids Club had in the life of his daughter. Her attendance at Kids Club helped her gain the support and skills she needed to begin to see academic and behavioral improvement at school. Coach Sid also found support himself by attending our parenting classes. He desired to help his daughter and grow as a father. The help he found inspired him to want to do more and give back to the children in his community. He now frequently engages with the children at Comanche by teaching them basketball, sharing food from his garden or just watching out for their safety.

Coach Sid

"Natalie at that time, needed help with reading. For me, English, I can understand a little bit and speak a little bit, but to be able to help her, I needed someone who could really speak English. . In a matter of two months maybe, I saw the results in her. She was struggling in reading, and she is dominating it now."


“This class was super helpful to me. I learned about my daughter’s needs, like her cup needing filled. For example, if my daughter is crying, I know her need is for me to comfort her so I pick her up. The assistance of the clothing and diapers was also very helpful for me. I would recommend this class to others.” –Yesenia


John Doe's Image
"We’ve learned that when the Holy Spirit gently nudges you into this process, and you fully commit to His leading, incredible things can happen. Learned that raising a child without our biological makeup can be challenging and sometimes hard. We’ve learned that we walk this journey with so many other precious families and share similar experiences. Learned that through Christ, we can conquer our fears (me). Learned…we’re still learning."

James & Jana

John Doe's Image
"In early 2008, I read about fostering through Lilyfield in our church bulletin. At the time, I thought it was taking care of the babies that were being adopted, but after attending an informational meeting, I realized it was fostering children for the state. I've always loved taking care of babies and little children so we moved forward in the training process, seeing this as a ministry that we could work in."

Gary & Janell

Zach and Erin
"We have grafted him into our family, like Jesus grafted us into His. What a testimony we have of the gospel…right here in our arms."

Zach & Erin

“This organization saved my life! Every redirection has been a blessing. Thankful for an organization that recognized the needs a human needs to be successful. The stability and mentors I had as a part of this program were just what I needed. I know future foster alumni will benefit from this newly revamped program and I cannot thank them enough."


Josh & Michelle
“I prayed, ‘God send us the child that you know needs US.’ Literally mid prayer, Stephanie Carey, Lilyfield’s Foster Care Coordinator, called and said the words ‘I have twin eight-month-old boys that need a home TODAY!’ WHAT? TWINS? We were prepared for ONE baby, but God said TWO! After lots of prayer and motivational talks from friends and family, my husband and I decided that we could take on twin eight-month-old boys!

From the moment they came into our lives we just had a feeling that these boys were meant to be ours forever. Sure enough, July 31, 2020 was the best day of our lives! We got to adopt our twin boys and we became a forever family!”

Josh & Michelle

Juan and Summer
“If you are considering adoption and wondering what your family will be like, if you could completely love a child that may have started in the body of another
woman, if you are strong enough...my answers to you would be as such, your family will look like any family, unique and designed by a God bigger than you...Are you strong enough? No, the fact is, if you were, where would be your need for our Father? We are never strong enough to parent any child, to continue through a marriage year after year, or survive illness, but God is. Rest in that. God will accomplish His goals through foster care and adoption with or without you, but you will miss out on some of the greatest joys this side of heaven that will last into eternity.”

Juan & Summer

Lorenzo & Rosio
"[Our Empower program has] earned respect [from the community] with a lot of sacrifice and effort."

Lorenzo & Rosio

Taylor & Melissa
"How has adoption changed our life? In every way shape and form. Adoption made us family. Adoption brought us the gift of our first and only son who brings us more joy, happiness, and love than we could ever imagine! We would do it 100 times over again knowing what we have now. Adoption was our perfect plan from God. And we are eternally grateful."

Taylor & Melissa

John Doe's Image
“We have not been surprised to find that this journey has many ups and downs. There are many challenges that come as a part of being in this ministry, but God has proven His faithfulness time and time again. We have also seen many joys in the successes that the kids have as well as the success that their parents have been able to achieve. We pray that God continues to open our eyes to see the blessings that come along with this ministry, even when we are in a challenging part of the journey. We have been so thankful for Lilyfield’s support in the training leading up to being a certified home as well as the ongoing support they give each step of the way. We have also been blessed with a church home that has a large heart for foster care and adoption. God has poured out so much strength through them. We don’t know exactly what this journey will hold, but we know that God has promised to lead the way and that He will sustain us for each step along the way.”

Matthew & Alana

John Doe's Image
“Our first placement was a sibling set. Though eventually it was mutually agreed upon that these precious kids needed a different home than ours, we realize now what an impact we had on them. Just the other day, we ran into the children’s birth mother. She gave us the biggest hug and said her children are doing fine. She updated us on how she has a job and has been clean for a while. Though she relinquished rights to her kids, they were in a safe place. What a gift!”

Keith & Hannah

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