
Our Mission

A Christ-centered ministry devoted to providing safe and stable families for at-risk children and youth.


At Lilyfield we serve children, youth, birth, adoptive and foster families by sharing God’s love in our community. We are committed to excellence in service and the foundation of our faith in Christ Jesus as we:


  • Promote safety and stability for children
  • Equip, prepare and counsel birth, adoptive and foster families
  • Strive to prevent the circumstances that lead to foster care involvement
  • Guide children, youth and families on a path to healing and permanency


Values Statement

Lilyfield values its stakeholders: our community, clients, staff, donors, and the children and families we serve.


  • We believe in the sanctity of life and that every individual, from conception to death, deserves to be treated  with  respect and dignity no matter his background, ethnicity, or beliefs.
  • We believe that through our ministry we exemplify the love of God to others.


We are dedicated to customer service.


  • We believe children and youth have a right to a loving and safe upbringing.
  • We believe birth families benefit from nurturing, guidance and counseling.
  • We believe foster and adoptive parents will be most successful with proper education and support.
  • We understand that the process of healing does not end at the time of an adoption or foster care placement and are committed to assisting families through their long term needs.


We strive for excellence.


  • To find ways to provide the best families for children, whether short-term care or for a lifetime.
  • By helping children and their birth families avoid the trauma of separation and loss by intervening early and equipping families with the skills and resources necessary to hopefully prevent involvement in foster care.
  • By leaving birth mothers in a better position than before their contact with our organization.
  • By providing training to create strong parents and families.
  • By providing ethical services to all clients.


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